Survey of an endangered bat roost at Coronado National Memorial, Arizona

To protect a lesser long-nosed bat post-maternity roost, the National Park Service installed bat-compatible gates on the entrances to the abandoned State of Texas Mine within Coronado National Memorial in southeastern Arizona. Video camcorder surveys performed during peak occupation of this roost examined colony size, gate-induced injury or mortality, and bat exit rates.

The findings of this study, described in detail in Survey of an endangered bat roost at Coronado National Memorial, Arizona, by WestLand environmental team members Amanda Best, Gabrielle Diamond, Joel Diamond, Debbie Buecher, Ronnie Sidner, David Cerasale, and James Tress, Jr., with contributions from Linda Dansby, Jason Mateljak, Adam Springer, Mike Wrigley, and Tim Tibbitts was published in the National Park Service’s Park Science volume 21(1) Summer 2015 edition. Read the full article.